It seems fitting that Sarah’s winning entry for our Name the Rooster competition was 'Manuel', which, by a weird twist of fate, is also the name of Leonor’s dad (pictured)!
Leonor’s family hails from Barcelos, the Portuguese town where the famous rooster story originates, and where she had our rooster specially crafted before bringing him back to his new home in Chorleywood.
Since arriving, Manuel the rooster has settled right in, becoming a much-loved addition to the office and forming friendships with our rubber duck community.
We had some fabulous entries for the competition, with Caroline’s 'Eusébio' and Karen’s 'Galo' taking runner-up spots. Karen is pictured below, receiving her prize from Leonor.
Thank you to everyone who submitted name ideas, and to Chorleywood Magazine for sharing our story in their autumn issue!